Safri Duo and Clark were met by some hyped fans, who had been warming up to the Meet ´n´ Greet by looking at alot of Safri footage. Sadly we could not show a classical clip, due to the fact that the VCR decided to dislike that bit.
There was plenty of time for everyone to chit-chat, take pictures, hand over presents, get autographs and take time to step back and absorb the whole adventure. Safri Duo were as always in a terrific mood, kind and forthcoming and it didn't take long before everyone was enjoying themselves.
Our blue slush-ice turned out to be a hit. Among the enthusiastic tasters we can mention Julia from Sweden (who actually turned all blue before the night was over!), Lone from Jutland, our very own Nickie and of course Clark Anderson. Then of course there were Bente and Line, who completely drained the cola slush, when they brought forth the vodka. But that's later in the evening and a completely different story!!
Uffe suggested, that he could say a few words, which we thought would be incredibly cool, so he told us all the complete Safri Duo story. It was really interesting and fun to hear him tell the history of Safri Duo.....made us think of the time, when we wrote The Career Bio on the Safri Zone. The first thing we made, when we opened the fansite in 2001. At one point Uffe wasn´t quite sure of the release year of Played-a-Live, and -oh blimey- he looked at us for a response! We SO could NOT remember!!......Safri Duo were at our house: How were we suppose to get our brains to function?!
Luckily Jacob knew the answer!
After Uffe´s speech, we all went outside for some picture-taking! Everyone lined up for a shot with Uffe, Morten and Clark and when everyone had had their hands on Safri, the only thing missing was to say THANK YOU and deliver the flowers, we had bought for them.
The fans did not want to let Safri Duo go so easily, so they had to write a few more autographs and line up for just a couple of more pictures, before they drove off, Uffe honking the horn and all waving.
Then we all went inside, talking about the Safri Duo visit. The winners of the Safri competition were drawn, where some of the fans were lucky winners of Safri Duo drumsticks and case donated by PJ Percussion, A Safri Duo bag (collector´s item) donated by Safri Duo, Safri Duo mouse pads and autographed Safri Duo pictures.
In order to win, the fans had to answer very difficult questions, like whether the party was held on Moen, Denmark or in the Land of Mordor?
Afterwards it was time for dinner and not forgetting our luscious dessert: A huge Safri Zone Summer Party cake!! Man, it was GOOD!!! And there was plenty to go around; we had cake for days!
The dancefloor was open for anyone who felt like dancing and Bj the Dj played nothing but hot, sweaty Safri remix´es!!
The Swedes took us up on that invitation and boogied their buns off. Gotta love ´em!!!
At one time our neighbors arrived to find out, where all the lights and sounds came from, and we told them, that we had a party, and that Safri Duo had actually been there for a Meet ´n´ Greet. You should have seen the looks on their faces when they realized, that Safri Duo had been in their back yard and they didn't know! We hadn't really told them, because we didn't like to brag about the party, so we just figured, that they had seen some of the adverts in the papers.
At 1am it was time to call it a night all though it was hard to let this fantastic day come to an end (it was also pretty darn hard to get the last 3 folks off the dancefloor!).
We closed down Damsborg and got everyone safely in beds and into their tents. Of course we had to talk the entire day through, before turning in, so it got a bit late before we fell asleep.
Then at 7am we once again opened Damsborg and at 7.45 it was time for breakfast for the early birds, who had to hit the road back home.
The Swedes, who had been staying the night at a close by Bed and breakfast came over for a late breakfast and a cozy chat, before heading off towards Malmoe and their last week of vacation.
Believe wasn't quite as amusing cleaning up, as it was making everything ready, and it's funnier to fill up a slush ice machine than it is to clean it up!
As we apparently had made enough food to feed an entire Trojan army, we had our families over for dinner the same night.
It was really a weird feeling, that the party had come and gone. We had spent so much time planning it, advertising, shopping, brainstorming, ordering party articles etc, and now it was over. What a relief, that it went so well, and that all the guests enjoyed themselves and had a fantastic experience! It was a memorable experience having Safri Duo right here on Moen (for the first time in 12 years), since we usually are the ones traveling to see them. And they truly lit up the party by simply being themselves; those guys are simply amazing.
So thank you to all the fans, who showed up to share the day. Thanks to Thomas for taking our pictures. Thanks to all, who helped us: Lisbeth (Bente´s mum), Jonna (Nickie´s mum), Maria, Line, Tom and Jacob and last, but not least: thank you to Uffe, Morten and Clark for wanting to be a part of the event and for participating with such warmth, enthusiasm and dedication.
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